Door 1 or Door 2–What Would You Choose?

Well, life is ever changing. Strange as it is…it always gets stranger. I’ll go in to this deeper later on. I was presented w/ a choice. Actually, it wasn’t even a choice.choice.preview[1] It was more like do this to achieve this or aforementioned “this” won’t happen. What???? It will all be clear one day. Another blog for another day.

What I’d like to know is what most of you would do. If given the choice of keeping something you love or giving that up to have something you want. This happens in every day life. It could be a job, relationship, house, whatever. You currently have something special and you KNOW you love. Could/would you give that up for something you KNOW you WOULD love, but don’t have and possibly never will.Abt 12 deer Matt was feeding at Iroquois--March 17, 2013 (2)

I choose to keep what I currently have and love. Hopefully, all else will fall into place. If it does, that’s great! If it doesn’t…well, at least I know what I have and that means the world to me. Life isn’t always easy and those are the times we learn the most. You might as well learn to bend or else.

Happy Easter and welcome to Spring!

Springtime[1] (2)

“Make it a Great Day–Go Inspire!”